
All publications utilizing data collected on equipment in the Paul Bender Chemistry Instrumentation Center must acknowledge the equipment funding sources.  Compliance affects the ability of the Center to maintain and update our instrumentation.  Note that acknowledgements contained in Supporting Information are not compliant.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires that the final, peer-reviewed manuscript be submitted to NIH’s Pub Med Central (PMC) database. For details go to the University of Wisconsin Libraries webpage:

Acknowledgment sentence(s):

Users can cut-and-paste the following sentence into their manuscripts.

The  spectrometer(s)  was supported by NSF/NIH grant grant number(s).

Example 1:      The  Bruker AVANCE 400 NMR spectrometer was supported by NSF grant CHE-1048642.

Example 2:      The following instrumentation in the PBCIC was supported by:  Thermo Q Exactive™ Plus by NIH 1S10 OD020022-1; Bruker Quazar APEX2 and Bruker 500 by a generous gift from Paul J. and Margaret M. Bender; Bruker Avance-600 by NIH S10 OD012245.

Grant Numbers

*A generous gift from Paul J. and Margaret M. Bender enabled these spectrometers to be purchased.

‡Learn more about UW2020, click here. UW2020 fund enabled adding solid state NMR capability to this spectrometer in 2017. 

All instrumentation in the PBCIC is listed here.

Information useful when writing proposals is listed here.