Most of these guides were written more than 5 years ago, and are for VNMR 6.1C.
Step-by-step guides listed below are designated by (sbs), and provide detailed instructions that can be easily followed on the spectrometers. Accompanying guides have more conceptual, pulse programming, and/or parameter information.
- Normal 1d 1H Acquisition (sbs)
1H pw90 Calibration (sbs)
1H T1 estimates (sbs) - X Acquisition (e.g., 31P or 13C) (sbs)
DEPT (sbs)
INEPT (sbs) - NOESY-1D Spectroscopy (sbs)
–Reducing ZQ artifacts, and quantitative distances – Double-differencing NOESY1D - TOCSY-1D Spectroscopy (sbs)
- PFG Shimming
- VNMR6.1C plotting – common commands
- VNMR 6.1C plotting – common parameters; graphical layout
- Porting VNMR Data to PCs/Macs – generating postscript files, and extracting arrayed spectra for NUTS
- Absolute Frequency Calculations in VNMR
- Deconvolution Peak Fitting in VNMR
- Notes on Performing Quantitative Analysis Using VNMR
- Notes on BioPack: 1st time setup, Philosophy, and gChsqc referencing
- Varian VNMR6.1C Manuals
- Setting Up Network Printers in VNMR
More VNMR Exps
Solvent Suppression
- Presaturation of Solvent Peaks (Chem637 notes)
- 1d NOE-Diff, HOMODEC and presat (Chem637 notes)
- Notes on TOCSY, ROESY, spin-locks, and Watergate water suppression
- Multiple solvent peak suppression using WET
Other Nuclei
- Deuterium NMR on Varian Spectrometers
- 19F on the UNITY-500; 1H{19F} or 19F{1H} on the INOVA-500
- 205Tl setup on INOVA-500
VT, Kinetics, Dynamics, Quantitation
- Variable Temperature Experiments on Varian Spectrometers
- Acquiring Kinetics Datasets in VNMR
For kinetics processing, see also “Notes on Performing Quantitative Analysis Using VNMR” (in Misc) - Measurement of Spin-Lattice Relaxtion Time, T1